Sunday, March 16, 2008

How Natural Insecticide Kills Insects

A natural insecticide will kill insects, that much is certain. Natural insecticide has been used for centuries, at least. If you are a curious person, you might like to know how natural insecticide kills insects.

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural insecticide made of the skeletal remains of plankton. What it does is to puncture the bodies of the insects. Then, it dehydrates them. When this natural insecticide has done its work, unwanted insects will dry up and practically blow away.

Rotenone is a natural insecticide, as well. It is made from the roots of the derris plant. It does its killing by poisoning the stomachs of insects. However, it is slow-acting and needs to be reapplied often for maximum effect.

Rotenone also seems to keep insects away from plants. It will keep the insects from growing and will stop them from eating if they are not adequately poisoned. Sabadillia also kills by stomach poison.

From Ecuador and Kenya comes a species of chrysanthemum that yields a natural insecticide called pyrethrum. This natural insecticide destroys insects by paralyzing them. It works instantly and it works on most types of insects.

The only problem is that the pyrethrum will often wear off. The insects will come around after awhile. They are not killed after all. For this reason, it is often combined with a poison that finishes the insects off.

Natural insecticides used in the termite control industry work in a different way. They cause the termite to lose their appetite. In fact, they can't eat at all.

The natural insecticide will cause the termite to be disoriented due to damage to its nerve endings. (People and animals do not have these same nerve endings and so are safe.) Due to all these problems, the termite will eventually die.

A bacterium, Bacillus thurengiensis or Bt, is another natural insecticide that is popular these days. It is best used when the eggs of insects are just hatching. The young come out, eat the toxin, and are poisoned. They will stop eating and die of starvation.

Neem preparations get rid of insects in many ways. This natural insecticide repels the offending bugs by means of an active ingredient that mimics an insect hormone. It makes it hard, if not impossible, to digest food. It stops their cycle of reproduction. It works well on insects that chiefly eat leaves.

Some non-plant natural insecticides do their work by dehydration, as Diatomaceous Earth does. Chalk dries out insects on contact. Mineral oil either dries out or suffocates its victims.

A mixture of cow's milk, flour and water can be used as a natural insecticide. It is very good at killing the eggs of the insects. It also destroys insects themselves, by suffocation.

Corn meal can be sprinkled around plants to kill insects. If a tomato hornworm happens to eat some, the cornmeal will swell up in the insect's stomach. The insect will explode.

There are all kinds of ways to kill insects. Some are by simple poisons. Some ways are more exotic ways. It may not really be important to know how a natural insecticide kills insects; only that it does.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jobs That Thrive Because Of Natural Insecticides

Have you ever thought of the results of your actions? If you've gotten into an analytical, philosophical, or educational frame of mind, you may have considered the many aspects of using natural insecticides.

You could say, "Big deal, so they help nature. How does that benefit me?" Well, it's like a domino effect. You line them carefully in a row, touch one, and that one touches another and so on. Life is that way when it comes to nature. Your choices about everything in life can have a domino effect in many ways. So, who benefits from natural insecticides? Other insects can benefit if you use them wisely. The beneficial insects would thrive without the pesky insect predators, which means that your garden benefits. That, in turn, helps you get more usable vegetables, herbs, and fruits. This benefits your family. Using the natural resources of the natural insecticides benefits our eco-system and our economy, which also benefits your family.

Other ways the use of natural insecticides can benefit your family is through the different jobs provided. Growth of things that produce natural insecticides can provide an income. There are jobs that study natural insecticides like scientific jobs, entomologists, chemists, teachers and instructors.

People get jobs in warehouses connected to the plant farms that grow ingredients for natural insecticides. Plant nurseries offer jobs as a result of the use of natural insecticides. If their nurseries thrive because of the use of the insecticides, it means sales increase, which means more employees are needed.

People who write books, articles, newspaper stories, farm reports, and newsletters benefit from natural insecticides. Health stores that sell herbs can benefit from natural insecticides since herbs can be used to create them. Grocery stores benefit from the sales of those herbs, which helps ensure the job of the person put in charge of their care. People involved in importing goods benefit from natural insecticides. Jobs that are connected to their shipping and sales, driving the transport vehicles, and so on, are some of the benefits of natural insecticides. Those who study nature, insects, plants, chemicals, animal health, and medicine to counteract the harmful effects of those used unwisely benefit from natural insecticides.

The jobs created are sometimes a direct result and sometimes an indirect result. But the fact exists that a positive impact is created in so many ways, and it is hard to pinpoint them all. One action, one person, one positive choice can make a difference. Sometimes it is a big difference all at once, and sometimes it is a difference that must be seen as a result of several things combined.

Sure there is a downside to using natural insecticides. There's a downside to eating too much ice cream, too, but if you get sick once from it you can learn to be more cautious in the future. Sometimes it's a matter of learning from experience; sometimes it's a matter of gathering useful information before you make a mistake. But everything has a positive side and a negative side, and so does the use of natural insecticide. Education, awareness, and research... that's the key to a positive future in this field.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What Is Natural Insecticide?

Organic gardening appeals to some people because it sounds important. It makes gardening sound exotic, like it's on some higher level. Organic gardening is accomplished by avoiding the use of laboratory-made fertilizers, growth substances, antibiotics, or pesticides.

This means using nature's tools to grow your plants, fruits, and vegetables. It's a way of being kinder to the earth. Using natural insecticides is a part of that process and has grown in popularity. If done properly, it costs less. You can use nature to your advantage if you understand and take the time to make it work for you. If you learn to grown or produce your own insecticides, you're also aiding the eco-system by not putting man-made lethal concoctions into the dirt and air. You can help reduce the negative effect on the ozone layer by doing your part to help nature.

Botanical is of plants. Plants are natural. So, botanical insecticides are naturally created from plants and plant parts. One such insecticide is sabadilla. It's gotten from the seeds of a plant similar to a lily and used in dust or spray form before harvest. It poisons insects when it touches them or gets inside their bodies.

Natural insecticides must still be used with caution. They're not without side effects or problems. You must learn how to use them properly so that they're a benefit and not a hindrance. Washing your fruits and vegetables is still recommended before eating them or using them in cooking if you use natural insecticides.

A misconception about insecticides of any kind can be that if you use a stronger concentration and/or more of it, the benefits will come quicker and will last longer. But this is an unhealthy attitude in many cases. If a technique or product isn't working, make a change only by being aware of the effects. What you need may simply be a different product or an extra helper to go along with it.

Questions you need to ask about natural insecticides besides 'what are they' are:

1. Do they react to any other substances in a negative way?
2. What are the side-effects?
3. What harm can they do to me or my children?
4. What harm can they do to my pets or other plants?
5. What are the side effects if any is ingested accidentally?
6. What is the most effective form of use (dust, spray, etc.)?
7. How often should it be applied?
8. What does it cost?
9. Where do I get it?
10. How do I store any leftovers and for how long?11. Can I make this insecticide safely myself?

Some of the natural insecticides that are well-known are pyrethrum, nicotine, sabadilla, rotenone, and soap. Cornmeal and some hot peppers can also be effective against insect pests.

It's still best to try to catch any gardening or crop pests in the early stages than to load up on insecticide of any kind. The best control can be awareness and early removal.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Helpful Information About Natural Insecticides

Did you know hot sauce mixed with garlic and water can chase away those annoying caterpillars who have been feeding on your precious plants? You may appreciate butterflies, but not their babies. So, maybe you just want them to relocate to another area. Many natural insecticides are used as repellants rather than as a way to kill insects. Spider mites hate the mixture of hydrated lime (1/4 c.) and water (add a small drop of soap to help it stick). Be careful not to use too much or the lime could hurt your plants.

Tomato leaves mixed with water can repel insects. Soaps are used in several different types of mixtures. But soaps are washed away with rain or automatic sprinklers.

If you choose to use nicotine, be aware that it can be deadly as a concentrate to more than just those pesky aphids. It's not only dangerous as harmful cigarette smoke, but it can be beneficial if used properly on plants. For us, the concentrates can cause convulsions and death. So, don't let that toddler grab your supply by accident. It's usually mixed with sulphur and is not recommended for use on edible plants.

Horticulture oils suffocate insects by covering them with an oily film. If that sounds barbaric, just think of the damage that can be done to crops and gardens and even humans by an overpopulation of insect pests. Insect pests can spread diseases and famine.

Homemade sprays can be a great economical alternative to bought sprays. You must know how to adequately measure, store, and use them even if they are homemade and seemingly harmless.

Of course, you can try tricks to rid your problem areas of insects. Like the ants that want to crawl into your hummingbird water. Maybe it doesn't bother the birds, but if it bothers you, you could be imaginative and not have to use any pesticide that may endanger your tiny visiting birds. But tricks aren't always enough. Sometimes you need to use more than one method to keep insect populations under control.

While you don't have to be scared of insects, you do have to be sensible to keep from becoming overrun with them. You should also be a responsible parent and teach your children how to safely combat insects. What your children learn can benefit the next generation. It helps to encourage their interests while they are young and willing to absorb what their parents have to say. Even if they seem to totally ignore all you've taught them as teenagers, they will many times come back to their senses as they grow older. One day, they'll be sharing their insecticide information with their own children or grandchildren.

Teaching about the safe use of insecticides and natural insecticides is the gift that keeps on giving. Your child may want to use this information to obtain a career later in life that revolves around insects, gardening, farming, or science. Nature will thank you for your contribution by continuing to thrive because of your responsible actions.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Why Use Natural Insecticide?

Some say that a natural insecticide cannot, by its nature, be as effective as a synthetic one. Chemical insecticides are used often by large farms. It may seem that the time for the use of natural insecticide is past, yet they are still in use. So, why use a natural insecticide?

First, there is an abundance of plants that can be used for their natural insecticide properties. Over 1500 are presently being used for control of pests. This provides a variety of methods to get rid of unwanted insects. There are many factors that will determine which kind of natural insecticide you will use. Some are more inexpensive. Some are more easily obtained than others. Some are safer to humans and pets. If you decide to use a natural insecticide, you will have many choices.

Most types of natural insecticide are biodegradable. This means that when the substance has served its purpose, it doesn't stick around to cause damage to the environment. It is washed away with the rain. It degrades and becomes a part of the soil with no harmful residue. A natural insecticide is often used when there is concern about a synthetic insecticide that is sold commercially. A synthetic insecticide can contain poisons and toxins that are not found in a natural insecticide. These can be harmful to living things other than the insects they were intended for.

Synthetic chemical insecticides often contain ingredients that kill beneficial insects. These insects may be bees that pollinate fruits and vegetables. They may be ladybugs or butterflies, which are also helpful to have in a garden. A natural insecticide will probably leave beneficial insects safe. One downside of using a natural insecticide is cost. Many that are sold in garden centers are more expensive than their synthetic counterparts. If you can, you may be willing to pay the extra cost. Yet, if you can't afford a natural insecticide that is sold in a store, you have the option of making your own.

The use of synthetic chemical insecticides has long been associated with a variety of chronic health conditions. The advantage of using a natural insecticide is that these conditions rarely occur with their use. When you use a natural insecticide, you can be sure that your produce will be safe to eat. All you need to do is to make sure that you follow instructions. Find out how long to wait after application of the natural insecticide to harvest.

One advantage of a natural insecticide is that they don't use fossil fuels. Many of the chemical varieties do. Also, if you use a natural insecticide that is locally available, you will save on transportation costs. There are countless recipes for people to use to make natural insecticide on their own. You can look on the internet, or in your local library or bookstore for the recipes. These allow you to make inexpensive yet effective natural insecticide for your own use.

If you're looking for a reason to use a natural insecticide, you will find several. Safety of plants and animals, environmental protection, and ease of use are only a few. A natural insecticide is truly a viable alternative to chemicals.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Future Of Natural Insecticide

Natural insecticide has gone in and out of favor in the past. At first, of course, that was all there was. Then, when chemical insecticides came around, people saw them as the wave of the future. They were all too anxious to try them. However, it may be that natural insecticide still has a place in agriculture and homes now and in the future. Bacillus thurengiensis, Bt, has been developed as for use as a natural insecticide. It is made from a bacterium that works with the bacteria in an insects gut to poison the insect. It will need to be used in new ways.

Farmers will need to change natural insecticide usage from one to another to another. This will help to keep the insects from becoming resistant to any one natural insecticide. They will also need to introduce natural predator insects to help with the job. It will also help if they plant more than one crop. In the meantime, Bt has been so successful that biogeneticists have been working to put its genetic material inside of the vegetables instead of on them. This allows the vegetables to grow strong and insect-free. Corn has already been bioengineered this way. It is called "supercorn" and it is already in supermarkets.

Is this natural insecticide? It depends upon how you look at it. Many people think that, while it uses a natural insecticide as its basis, it is highly unnatural. They wouldn't think of eating supercorn.

One natural insecticide may have a use outside of the insect-destroying business. Diguelin is a natural insecticide that has been used in South America and Africa. It has been discovered that it is effective in slowing or stopping the growth of lung cancer in humans. It is thought that it will have important implications in the treatment of certain types of lung cancer. Many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa are banding together to implement a new type of insect control. This is called Integrated Pest Management. Rather than use a natural insecticide made from a plant, a bacteria, or a mineral, IPM is based on using other insects.

These insects are natural predators of the harmful ones attacking crops. With the use of such methods, ordinary natural insecticide methods will likely be ignored in these areas, at least for awhile.

Plant terpenoids are being investigated for different uses in natural insecticide. Some of these substances can be used to repel unwanted insects and attract beneficial ones all at the same time. Molting can be prevented by use of certain plant-derived steroids.

Other plant terpenoids can be used to over-excite the nervous systems of insects. They can disrupt their mating habits and even make them sterile. The only problem with the development of these plant terpenoids is that companies are looking to make synthetic versions of them. They will no longer be natural insecticides.

Many people are concerned about the environment. They want to use natural insecticide to protect the safety of their food and the world around them. However the power of modern agribusiness is overtaking these people. If natural insecticide is to be a viable solution, changes have to be made.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Is Natural Insecticide Is Harmful To Humans And Animals?

You would expect a natural insecticide to be perfectly safe for people and pets. The truth is that some cause irritations or burns or are even toxic to humans and animals. If you are going to use a natural insecticide, you should be aware of whether it causes problems beyond the pest. Rotenone is a natural insecticide. It is made from derris plant roots. While it is fairly safe for people, it does harm fish. If you use it, you should take precautions to keep it away from water where you have fish. Rotenone is somewhat toxic to warm-blooded animals. It is even somewhat toxic to humans. You should therefore protect yourself during application of the natural insecticide. The good news is that it doesn't affect the safety of vegetables grown using it.

A natural insecticide that causes eye and respiratory irritations is Sabadillia. Although it causes discomfort, it is not toxic. However, you should take care not to breathe it in when using it. A mask should be worn.

Dried peppers can be ground and mixed with water to make a spray. This is used as a natural insecticide. However, it too can cause eye and respiratory irritation. The crucial time to be concerned is when you are grinding the peppers.

Termite control products that contain nicotine sulfates are actually more toxic to mammals than synthetic products are. These natural insecticides should be used with caution by an experienced exterminator. Some people use nicotine either in a commercially made product or they make it on their own from tobacco leaves. They use this natural insecticide for many different insects. The trouble is that it is toxic to people. You can't breathe the vapors. You'll want to avoid letting it touch your skin.

On the other hand, many a natural insecticide is completely harmless to people and pets. Boric acid is so safe that it can be used in areas where children play. It is toxic only to insects. Diatomaceous Earth is a very popular natural insecticide that is safe for all mammals, including people. Bacillus thurengiensis, Bt, is safe for use on plants as well. It does not harm humans or animals.

Orange, lime, and grapefruit oils are being developed as products to be used as natural insecticides in Third World countries. They are very good at killing many different insects. At the same time, they are completely non-toxic to humans. The natural insecticide from the neem tree is not just non-toxic. It has actually been used as an antiseptic. It has also been used by herbalists to treat many diseases. It has been used for over forty years.

If you use a natural insecticide that contains harmful ingredients, you need to be sure to use it properly. If it is a commercial preparation, follow instructions on the label and use in recommended amounts. It is also important to be aware of how long you need to wait between use of the product and harvesting the crop.

Some kinds of natural insecticide are harmful to people and/or pets. Some are not. The key is to know which natural insecticide you are dealing with. Then, be sure you know everything about it.